Member Spotlight: Julia Crozier

Anyone who knows anything about the River Arts Alliance also knows that Julia Crozier is one of the people who gets things done for RAA. We are pleased to put her in the spotlight to celebrate her dedication to her art and to her community.

Julia Crozier is an artist who resides in Winona with her husband Bill. She has lived here since 1996 and she also lived here in the early 80’s. Crozier grew up in Red Wing with a family that was very active in the arts and her father was a professional artist. Julia has been selling her art for thirty-five years, mainly paintings and drawings at art fairs and galleries. She has owned two galleries with studios throughout the years, the latest being the Blue Heron Studio and Gallery in Winona. She has also done book illustrations and many murals including some at Watlow, St. Mary’s Press, St. Mary’s Church, SE MN Technical College, and the latest project of coordinating the HBC Fence Art Project in Winona.

She led the fence project for four years and designed the twenty seven murals that are part of the project, with the public painting the backgrounds on the murals. The project also includes sculpture created by two more local artists. This project was sponsored by the River Arts Alliance and had funding help from the Southeast Minnesota Arts Council and HBC.

Music, science, literature and experiences with people and nature all help to form ideas to become art that Julia creates. Julia is currently using primarily oil paints and oil pastels rendered on either canvas or paper for most of her work. She enjoys painting and drawing both realistically and in exaggerated and abstract styles.

Landscapes from the river, bluff and woodland stomping grounds are a constant source of interest as well as favorite places that Julia travels to. Local bluff country, western canyon country, prairies, and Scotland have been places that Julia has been privileged to experience and interpret into art. All of these places and experiences help to create a story in her art and a way to look at a specific place or an idea in a deeper way.

For the past few years, Julia has been involved in RAA projects such as the RAA Members Exhibit, Family Art Day, and Winona Art Walk. Julia currently has two shows exhibiting in the Winona area. One is at the Blue Heron Coffeehouse which runs through December, the other show is at the Red Horse Gallery in Fountain City which also runs through December.


  1. Catherine Tuggle on 12/23/2019 at 9:53 am

    Love this picture of Julia and your write-u.

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