Winona Writers Group – April Virtual Meeting

Friday | April 10 | 3:30-5:30pm
Zoom (details below)

Feel free to use these prompts below, change them, or ignore them and write your own idea. For this meeting, we will not have copies of each other’s work. We will read aloud, then share verbal comments and suggestions.

April Prompts:  In this emotional time, most of us are feeling scared, or anxious, or overwhelmed, …or some other strong emotion. Writing can be therapeutic. This month’s writing prompts are based on emotions. Either one could lead to a poem, a memory, a short story, or a reflection. These are just two of the many intense feelings we might experience this month. Feel free to focus on a different emotion, or something else entirely.

  1. Write about being alone.  Is it frightening? Disorienting? Lonely? Or is it tranquil? A time to regroup and reflect?
  2. Though we are unable to meet physically, nature goes on. The sap rises. The trees bud. The mud squelches beneath our feet. Write about Spring and hope. What does Spring mean to you?

Join Zoom Meeting:; Meeting ID: 292 650 197

Great River Writes and the City of Winona are partners of the River Arts Alliance.


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