Mary Singer

Phone: 507-454-4047
I was ‘born’ an artist. My earliest memories are having a pencil and paper and drawing. My subjects were things and animals that I saw around me and on TV. When we started getting the POST magazine I found my first artist IDOL, Norman Rockwell. When I entered high school I was doing paint by numbers and blending the colors. I LOVED art classes and wanted to learn all mediums. When I left college after 1 year to get married and have children at the age of 19 I started taking the art lessons from Art Instruction schools in Minneapolis. They gave me all the drawing and painting lessons since I was so dedicated. I started taking in people to pose for their portraits at the age of 30. My high school art teacher and friend, was teaching watercolors so I took classes from him as well. I started out doing fine art oil portraits of people who would come and sit for me.
In the years that followed I learned about layout and design and worked for a book publisher here in Winona. Then a woman approached me about putting together a very detailed magazine for owners of mustangs and wild donkeys. The magazine along with a line of mustang and donkey designs that I did and we put them on everything from cups and plates to shirts and prints were sent all over the world. The magazine only went for 3 issues but I certainly learned and grew as an artist during those times. I went into doing portraits of equine, pets and homes and doing shows in the arts circuit every weekend of the year. I painted on anything that did not move but once again I learned much about fine art during these years as I put all that I had learned into everything I did and I worked 5 days a week , 8 hour days and then traveled around the MidWest doing shows. After several years of that I returned to formal portraiture and I started to focus on the beauty of the area that I live in, capturing the landscape including the mighty Mississippi and the awesome sky in different times of the day and seasons. I started out with graphite and pastels , pen and ink and mixed media. Oils , however, are my main focus today. “Water, Land and Sky “ is the name of my show . It changes in size and medium but I never run out of scenic inspiration from the MidWest as well as some of the more common birds in the area. I take many pictures of my own and sketches to work from. I also am back doing fine art portraits of people.
This brings me up to the present. My latest endeavor is official miniatures. 8 x 10 or smaller. I found some box-like canvas that are quite small so I had the idea to put several paintings with the same theme on a finished 16” x 16” piece of wood . It satisfies my love for 3‑dimensional art. I set them at various depths from the surface and that adds to the 3‑D affect. Last year I was so happy to receive commissions for a variety of subjects and a variety of mediums. My lifes’ desire for my involvement in art is coming to pass.
I have had some big sales to people who found me online and by word of mouth . Last year I sold a large painting to the state of MN for Fillmore State college at Willmar,MN. I am also having more one woman shows at galleries in other towns including Mankato and Austin.
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River Arts Alliance
PO Box 992
Winona, MN 55987