Family Art Day 2019 – Thank You!

The River Arts Alliance (RAA) Board of Directors is grateful to everyone who helped make Family Art Day 2019 a wonderful success. Over 500 people attended on September 7, exploring their creativity through a variety of art forms. Family Art Day is always free and open to everyone of all abilities and backgrounds.

We thank the artists who guided the participants: Julie Johnston, Jennifer Weaver, Mary Singer, Brianna Haupt, Katwa “Lance” Ngari, John Durfey, Dirk Nelson, Tom Dukich, Pang Vang, Heather Casper and Carrie Frederich from the Minnesota Marine Art Museum, Michelle Cochran, Julia Crozier, Jill Krase, Jill Marie Piggot, Anne Scott Plummer, Michelle Maslowski, Mary Denzer, Tanya Corcoran, Will Brzenzski, Kathy Delano, Lorraine Kilmartin, Lisa Douglas, Kathy Schoen, and Jamie Schwaba from the Minnesota Conservatory for the Arts.

It takes a village to produce this event, and we thank the following dedicated volunteers who set up, welcomed the participants, and assisted the artists, making sure that all the activities went smoothly: Barb Feiten, Margaret Kiihne, Barbara Hassing, Sheila and Kirk Enzenauer, Heidi Bryant, Kinsey Burdwood, Linda Sue and Dan Eastman, Cathy and Greg Schmidt, Steve Bachler, and WSU students, Anja Timm, Debra Oates, and Hannah Adamson. RAA Board members Catherine Tuggle, Sara Enzenauer, Sydney Swanson, Anne Scott Plummer, Joy Davis Ripley, and Julia Crozier were instrumental in planning and oversight. Anna VanDemark photographed the event (see photos above).

RAA also couldn’t have offered this event to the community without the generous support of our sponsors and individual donors: The Winona Community Foundation, Affinity Plus Credit Union, WNB Financial, Merchants Bank, RTP, Marcy Faircloth, Karen Coleman, Catherine Tuggle, Cathy and Greg Schmidt, Sara Enzenauer, Debi Niebuhr and Eric Nelson, Bunny Bennick, Kathy Delano, and Jan Brunkow. We especially thank the Winona Park and Recreation Department for their support and cooperation.

We look forward to providing this opportunity to the Winona community on the first Saturday of September every year. For more information about River Arts Alliance, visit and on Facebook.


  1. Mary Lee Eischen on 09/16/2019 at 11:02 am

    Wow, what a day. And the photos captured the wonder!

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