Jazz returns to the patio at Wellingtons
Thursday | September 3 | 5:00-8:00pm
Thursday | October 1 | 5:00-8:00pm
Wellington’s Pub and Grill | 1429 Service Dr.
After great turnouts in June, July & August, John Paulson (saxes and flute) and Eric Heukeshoven (piano) are returning September 3 and October 1 to perform smooth jazz outside. If the weather is bad, the event will take place the following week. Wellington’s phone number is 507.452.2103. Please call to confirm and secure a reservation. Also, please visit their Facebook page to view their menu and guidelines to keep everyone safe from the virus. For more info. visit www.paulsonjazz.com
John Paulson and Eric Heukeshoven are members of the River Arts Alliance. To learn more about the benefits of membership, please visit: riverartsalliance.org/JOIN.