Great River Writes – December Winona Writers Group Meeting

Monday | December 19 | 1-3 pmGreat River Writes logo.
Winona Public Library | 151 W 5th St.

Great River Writes Critique Group
Where everyone is welcome to listen and share.

Our next meeting is Monday, December 19 from 1-3. Please note the day and time! We’ll be in Winona Public Library, in the meeting room right off the Art Room, where the CD’s and DVD’s used to be.

Bring a copy of your writing that you wish to share (up to 2000 words). Optionally, bring 5-8 extra copies to share with participants. The library staff no longer can make copies for the group.

As always, feel free to use the prompts below, change them, or ignore them and write your own idea. We will read aloud, then share verbal comments and suggestions.

December Prompts:

1. Moonlight Sonata: Imagine the following
— It’s late at night and your main character is confronted with the beauty of the moonlight shining down over everything. Then, something unexpected happens that changes everything…

2. New Year’s Eve
Write about a memorable New Year’s Eve. Where were you? Use sensory details to bring the night alive.

Heads up for January and February, 2023:

Great River Writes will not meet in January and February. The library will be closed on our regular meeting date for both of those months, so we’ll take a break.

Great River Writes and the City of Winona are partners of River Arts Alliance.

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