Author Event with Terri Karsten at Paperbacks and Pieces

Book cover of Ireland: You Can't Miss It! by Terri Karsten.

Saturday | March 4 | 1-3 pm
Paperbacks and Pieces | 429 Mankato Ave.

Terri Karsten will be at Paperbacks and Pieces bookstore in Winona on Saturday, March 4 from 1 to 3 pm, to get a head start on a month of Irish celebration. Terri will be giving a reading at the beginning of her event. She will be highlighting her books on Irish folk lore— Ireland: You Can’t Miss it! and Finn McCool and the Giant’s Causeway. All books will be available day of.

Terri Karsten is a member of the River Arts Alliance. To learn more about the benefits of membership, please visit:

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