Winona Author Ruth Bures Releases New Children’s Book

Book cover of I'm So Glad There's Someone with illustration by Amy Kleinhans.

Saturday | March 18 | 3-5 pm
Blue Heron Coffeehouse | 162 W 2nd St.

On Saturday, March 18th from 3:00-5:00 pm, Winona author Ruth Bures will share her new children’s book I’m So Glad There’s Someone at a book launch at the Blue Heron Coffeehouse, 162 W 2nd Street in Winona. This free event will feature a live reading of the book by the author’s grandchildren along with refreshments, live music, and social time. The book will be available for purchase in both hard cover and paperback.

I’m So Glad There’s Someone is a positive and uplifting story that contains a template for healthy communication about feelings. The words validate a range of emotions that children (and adults) experience, from anger to loneliness, to sadness, to happiness. It also provides a guide to discussing these feelings, without judgment, for both the listener (child) and the reader (mentor/adult/parent) that does not patronize or criticize the child.

Ruth Anfinson Bures graduated from Drake University (BME) and St. Mary’s University (ME, EdD). She is a parent, grandparent, poet, musician, and music teacher. She has taught music at all levels, from preschool through university. As a songwriter, she has dedicated herself to creating quality songs and poetry for children. She wrote the lyrics and music for Here Comes Christmas, a musical published by Clarus Music Ltd., and created a large collection of songs for young people called Ruth’s Original Songs for Children.

Photo: Book cover of I’m So Glad There’s Someone with illustration by Amy Kleinhans.

Ruth Bures is a member of the River Arts Alliance. To learn more about the benefits of membership, please visit:

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