Laureate Series Wide Open Mic Night

Poster for Laureate Writers Series Wide Open Mic Night.

Tuesday | June 4 | 7 pm
Blue Heron Coffeehouse | 162 W 2nd St.

The First Tuesday Laureate Writers Series event at the Blue Heron Coffeehouse on Tuesday, June 4 at 7:00 pm will be a Wide Open Mic Night. Come one, come all! This month, we won’t have a featured writer — all of you will be featured!

Bring a story, a tall tale, a poem or set of poems to share — keep it to ten minutes max. We’d prefer that it be your own work but if you have something by a favorite writer, that would be okay. We especially encourage young people to show up — high school, college, etc. If you are shy, bring your own set of fans to cheer you on. Old timers are welcome, too. Let your voices be heard!

Next month, we will return to our usual format.

The Laureate Writers Series is sponsored by Shipwreckt Books Publishing Company, the Blue Heron Coffeehouse, Chapter 2 Books, and the Friends of the Winona Public Library.

Shipwreckt Books and Laureate Writers Series organizers Ken McCullough and Emilio DeGrazia are members of the River Arts Alliance. To learn more about the benefits of membership, please visit:

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