Northfield Poets To Read for the Laureate Writers Series

Photo of Steve McCown, Becky Boling, D.E. Green, Heather Candels, and Julie A. Ryan.

Tuesday | August 6 | 7 pm
Blue Heron Coffeehouse | 162 W 2nd St.

The Laureate Writers Series will host five Northfield poets, Becky Boling, Heather Candels, D.E. Green, Steve McCown and Julie A. Ryan, to read from their work on Tuesday, August 6th at the Blue Heron Coffeehouse, 162 W 2nd St., at 7 pm. The poets are included in an anthology entitled We Look West, just published by Shipwreckt Books, Winona, as part of the Up On Big Rock Poetry Series. The anthology will be for sale after the reading. An Open Mic will follow shortly thereafter. The event is open to the public, and we encourage you to read your own work at the Open Mic—we always like to hear new voices!

Danny Klecko, celebrity Twin Cities bread-maker and author of Hitman Baker Casketmaker: An American’s Clash With ICE, and The Dead Fitzgeralds had this to say about We Look West—”When I think of poetry scenes, San Francisco and NYC come to mind… We Look West will remind you that San Francisco’s scene is passé. Today the best poems are coming out of Northfield, MN. I really, really loved this book…I’d put these poets up against anyone, anywhere, any time.”

This series of readings is sponsored by the Blue Heron Coffeehouse, Shipwreckt Books Publishing Company, Chapter 2 Books, and Friends of the Winona Public Library.

Photo: Steve McCown, Becky Boling, D.E. Green, Heather Candels, and Julie A. Ryan.

Shipwreckt Books Publishing Company and Laureate Writers Series organizers Ken McCullough and Emilio DeGrazia are members of the River Arts Alliance. To learn more about the benefits of membership, please visit:

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