Arts Advocacy Day Rally March 4 in MN Capitol Rotunda

Tuesday, March 4 | 10 am – 5:30 pm
Minnesota Capitol Rotunda | 75 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, St Paul
Register for Arts Advocacy Day


At a time when arts programs face growing budget pressures, voice your support during Arts Advocacy Day in the MN State Capitol Rotunda. Join the rally through the Minnesota Citizens for the Arts organization. Help ensure stable funding to support the arts.


10:00 am Rally in the Rotunda in the State Capitol. Enjoy performances by MN artists Saymoukda Vongsay, Sha Cage, Ragamala Dance Co., In the Heat of the Beast Puppetry Co. and live art by Shirin Ghoraishi.

11:00 am-3:00 pm Legislative Meetings. Meet with legislators from the Winona area districts (including Senator Miller (26), Representative Repinksi (26A), Representative Davids (26B), Representative Bennett (23A), Senator Dornink (23), and Patricia Muellerabout to let them know why arts funding matters in your community.

3:30-5:30 PM Social Hour at the Radisson. Hosted by the Minnesota Arts and Culture Coalition and Minnesota Presenters Network.

You don’t need to be an artist or expert to participate. If you value the arts in your community, your voice matters. Together, we can ensure stable funding for arts programs that serve communities across Minnesota.

Register now for Arts Advocacy Day and help ensure the future of arts funding in Minnesota.


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