Free Audition Workshop

Poster for Sugarloaf Theatre audition workshop.Monday | June 3 | 6-7 pm
Cornerstone Community Church | 1001 44th Ave. | Goodview

Sugarloaf Theatre is thrilled to announce that Seamus Schwaba, Executive Director for Sugarloaf Theatre and our Director for our summer musical Through the Looking Glass, will be hosting a free, one hour long audition workshop on June 3rd from 6-7 pm at Cornerstone Community Church [please note change of location]. All adults and children ages 12+ are invited to attend this workshop. Auditions can be such a nerve wracking and stressful experience. During this hour long session participants will learn techniques on how to overcome nerves and present themselves well at a theatrical audition of any kind. We all have a performer inside of us that is waiting to be brought out. All that you have to do take advantage of this exciting opportunity is follow this link, fill out the short RSVP form, and show up!

With any questions, you can email

River Arts Alliance serves as fiscal sponsor of Sugarloaf Theatre. Seamus Schwaba is a member of the River Arts Alliance. To learn more about the benefits of membership, please visit:

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