River Arts Alliance Member Events
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Watercolor Workshop with Jeff Nelson
01/11/2024 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Mississippi Mornings Art Studio | 40341 Lamoille Dr.
Mississippi Mornings Art Studio presents a Jeff Nelson “Funshop” on Perspective Painting. Join the fun as we delve into the world of structural perspective. This class will complete two paintings using one and two point perspective. Jeff plans to structure the class for the beginner as well as those who have experience with perspective drawing. Whichever applies to you, this class will impart understanding and depth to your skills. This workshop will take place from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm each day on Thursday and Friday, January 11 and 12. The workshop fee is $225. To register, contact Linda Klabo at linda@mississippimornings.com or 507-459-8021. Learn more.