River Arts Alliance Member Events
Members: Click here to submit your news/events for the calendar and other RAA communications.
WAC Glazing Workshop
Winona Arts Center 228 E 5th St., Winona, MN, United StatesSaturday | November 5 | 11 am-1 pm Urne, Wisconsin Meet 10 am at Winona Arts Center | 228 E 5th St. winonaarts.org Richard Spiller, potter and ceramic artist, will present a glazing workshop at his studio in Urne, Wis., from 11 am to 1 pm on November 5, 2022. Participants who have produced works…
Gate City Jazz Band at the Black Horse
Black Horse Bar & Grill 34648 Old Homer Rd., Winona, MN, United StatesBlack Horse Bar and Grill | 34648 Old Homer Rd., Winona Sunday, November 6 from 5-7 pm will be the final 2022 monthly performance by the Gate City Jazz Band at the Black Horse Bar and Grill. Come one, come all to hear enjoyable traditional jazz that will brighten and lighten your spirits. And at…
CANCELLED – Autumn Reflection Acrylic Painting Class at WAC
Winona Arts Center 228 E 5th St., Winona, MN, United StatesUPDATE 11/5/22: This event has been cancelled. Winona Arts Center | 228 E 5th St. winonaarts.org Barb Halvorson will teach an acrylic painting class on Monday, November 7, 2022 at the Winona Arts Center from 1 to 4 pm. Halvorson will bring sycamore leaves to the class for the students to paint designs and figures on…
Laureate Writers Series Presents Kimberly Blaeser
Blue Heron Coffeehouse 162 W 2nd St, Winona, MN, United StatesBlue Heron Coffeehouse | 162 W 2nd St. Kimberly Blaeser will read from her recent poetry and prose as part of the Laureate Writers Series at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, November 9th at the Blue Heron Coffeehouse. The reading will be followed by a book signing and an open mic for up to ten readers.…
Blooming Underground: A Multi-Media Performance Featuring Mai’a Williams
Winona Arts Center 228 E 5th St., Winona, MN, United StatesWinona Arts Center | 228 E 5th St. winonaarts.org The Winona Arts Center is pleased to present Blooming Underground, a multi-media installation/performance/shrine by artist Mai’a Williams on November 11. Blooming Underground centers on their relationship to the Driftless natural landscape, the sacredness of Black and First Nations’ lives and histories in this region and globally,…
NaNoWriMo Creative Writing and Local Author Fair
Winona Public Library 151 W 5th St., Winona, MN, United StatesWinona Public Library | 151 W 5th St. winona.lib.mn.us November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). To celebrate the month, the Winona Public Library is hosting local area authors and creative writing workshops during the NaNoWriMo Creative Writing and Local Author Fair on Saturday, November 12th from 10 AM-12 PM. Authors include: Sarah Chapman, Emilio…
Fall Free Ink Day at Winona Arts Center
Winona Arts Center 228 E 5th St., Winona, MN, United StatesWinona Arts Center | 228 E 5th St. winonaarts.org The Winona Arts Center is pleased to offer a Fall Free Ink Day on November 12. You can drop in anytime between 10 am and 2 pm. Come and learn how to make monoprints on our press! You can create your own artwork using stencils, leaves and…
Fall Seasonal Saturday at MMAM
Minnesota Marine Art Museum 800 Riverview Dr., Winona, MN, United StatesMinnesota Marine Art Museum | 800 Riverview Dr. mmam.org On November 12, the Minnesota Marine Art Museum (MMAM) will again offer its popular Seasonal Saturday event, an arts access program with the goal of reducing intimidation and increasing comfortable access to fine arts for everyone. Programming for this month’s event will revolve around the theme, Paint…
Winds of Winona Concert at WAC
Winona Arts Center 228 E 5th St., Winona, MN, United StatesWinona Arts Center | 228 E 5th St. winonaarts.org The Winona Arts Center is pleased to feature the Winds of Winona in concert on November 12. With woodwind repertoire ranging from Baroque to Jazz, the Winds of Winona offer something for everyone. The ensemble features Ryan Ballanger, Chris Buswell, and Ruth and Frank Bures on…
Winona Art Walk & Tour
More information to come. Call for Artists available here (deadline October 7).