River Arts Alliance Member Events
Members: Click here to submit your news/events for the calendar and other RAA communications.
MCA Irish Dancers at St. Anne’s
St. Anne Extended Healthcare 1455 W Broadway St., Winona, MN, United StatesThe Minnesota Conservatory for the Arts’ Irish dancers will be performing this week to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. See all performance times and locations here.
MCA Irish Dancers at Callista Court
Benedictine Callista Court 1455 W Broadway St., Winona, MN, United StatesThe Minnesota Conservatory for the Arts’ Irish dancers will be performing this week to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. See all performance times and locations here.
Winona Author Ruth Bures Releases New Children’s Book
Blue Heron Coffeehouse 162 W 2nd St, Winona, MN, United StatesBlue Heron Coffeehouse | 162 W 2nd St. On Saturday, March 18th, Winona author Ruth Bures will share her new children’s book I’m So Glad There’s Someone at a book launch at the Blue Heron Coffeehouse. This free event will feature a live reading of the book by the author’s grandchildren along with refreshments, live music, and…
Irish Holiday at Old Main
Old Main Cultural Center 20869 S College Ave., Galesville, WI, United StatesDinner 6 pm | Concert 7 pm Old Main Cultural Center | 20869 College Ave. | Galesville, WI oldmain.org On Saturday, March 18, Old Main Cultural Center presents an Irish Holiday event. The event features a dinner of corned beef and cabbage with soda bread and dessert, along with a concert by the Creek Chicks.…
Wabasha Street Trio at WAC
Winona Arts Center 228 E 5th St., Winona, MN, United StatesWinona Arts Center | 228 E 5th St. winonaarts.org The Wabasha Street Trio will be in concert at 7 pm on Saturday, March 18, 2023 at the Winona Arts Center. The coffeehouse and gallery will open at 6 pm. The trio comprised of Nancy Edstrom Bachler, piano, Heidi Guenther Ryan, violin, and Rachael Ryan Dahlgren,…
Jam for the Land is March 19th
Island City Brewing Company 65 E Front St, Winona, MN, United StatesIsland City Brewing Company | 65 E Front St. H3OJazz.com H3O Jazz Trio and Island City Brewing Company will dedicate this month’s Jazz Jam to the Land Stewardship Project. Jam for the Land will take place in the taproom at Island City Brewing Company on Sunday, March 19 from 2:30 – 5:30 p.m. All donations will be…
Great River Writes – March Winona Writers Group Meeting
Winona Public Library 151 W 5th St., Winona, MN, United StatesWinona Public Library | 151 W 5th St. After a two-month break, we’re ready to meet again. Bring a copy of your writing that you wish to share (up to 2000 words). Optionally, bring 5-8 extra copies to share with participants. See March writing prompts and learn more here.
Unwind Friday with H3O Jazz Trio at Blooming Grounds
Blooming Grounds Coffee House 50 E 3rd St., Winona, MN, United StatesBlooming Grounds Coffee House | 50 E 3rd St. H3OJazz.com Unwind Friday with H3O Jazz Trio is quickly becoming a favorite way to end the busy week with some laid back jazz. This month’s Unwind Friday happens on Friday, March 24, from 6 – 8 p.m. at Blooming Grounds’ main location, 50 E 3rd Street, Winona. Come and enjoy a…
WAC Film Queen of Glory
Winona Arts Center 228 E 5th St., Winona, MN, United StatesWinona Arts Center | 228 E 5th St. winonaarts.org The Winona Film Society is pleased to present the film Queen of Glory on March 24 at the Winona Arts Center. Sarah Obeng (Nana Mensah), a doctoral student at Columbia U., is weeks away from following her boyfriend to Ohio when her mother suddenly passes away. Her inheritance is…
Sgraffito Tile Class with Richard Spiller at WAC
Winona Arts Center 228 E 5th St., Winona, MN, United StatesWinona Arts Center | 228 E 5th St. winonaarts.org Richard Spiller, a local potter from Wisconsin, will present a Sgraffito tile workshop on March 25 at the Winona Arts Center. Sgraffito (in Italian meaning “to scratch”) is a technique produced by applying a drawing to a hard red clay pottery piece and then scratching off…