Steve Schild

I’m a hobbyist photographer, and my writing has included poetry, creative non-fiction and journalism. My photography has been featured in the Star-Tribune of Minneapolis and the Rochester Post-Bulletin, exhibited in Saint Mary’s University’s Page Theatre, the Winona Friendship Center and at local artisan fairs, and received an Award of Excellence from the Wisconsin Hospital Public Relations and Marketing Society.
My poetry has appeared in a number of literary magazines, four anthologies and three collections: Gone Away From Crystal Valley, a self-published chapbook; and These Humans and Eros in Autumn, both published by Shipwreckt Books, Rushford, Minnesota. I also collaborated with Minneapolis artist Richard Stephens on These Old Men Know Things, in which my haiku accompanied Richard’s linocuts of scenes along a Minneapolis railroad line. Eros in Autumn won a Silver Medal from the Midwest Independent Publishers Association, and my poetry has also won awards from Viterbo University and the League of Minnesota Poets.
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Winona, MN 55987