Hendrickson Organ Recitals Continue July 17 at Central Lutheran

Featured organist Sue Walby.

Wednesday | July 17 | 12-1 pm
Central Lutheran Church | 259 W Wabasha St.

Central Lutheran’s year-long celebration of their magnificent Hendrickson Pipe Organ continues Wednesday, July 17 from noon to 1 pm with a performance by La Crosse organist Sue Walby. A variety of works will be featured, dating from 16th Century Italian to 20th Century American, including compositions by Andrea Gabrieli and Gerald Near. The recital is free and open to all. Donations collected from a freewill offering will support the instrument’s upcoming renovation.

Sue Walby is Director of Music and Organist at First Presbyterian Church in La Crosse. Walby is a graduate of Lawrence University where she studied organ with Miriam Duncan. She also studied with Robert Scoggin, Rochester, MN and Russell Saunders, Eastman School of Music. Walby maintains a private piano teaching studio at her home in Viroqua, Wisconsin. Many of her students continue their music studies in college.

A website commemorating the organ’s 30th anniversary with programs and audio from previous recitals and more information about the series can be found at:

For more information, please contact A. Eric Heukeshoven, Director of Worship, Music & Arts at 507-474-7144 or aeheukeshoven@centrallutheranchurch.org.

Photo: Featured organist Sue Walby.

A. Eric Heukeshoven is a member of the River Arts Alliance. To learn more about the benefits of membership, please visit: riverartsalliance.org/membership/.

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