LOSST Presents: Long Tones on Latsch Island
Saturday | October 19 | 5-9 pm
Latsch Island Beach | Winona
LOSST (Letters On Sounds, Signals, Time) Presents: Long Tones on Latsch Island
This is a free, sober all-ages event. Featuring music from:
Moon in a Field of Clover
guitar & drum spectralism from Wisconsin
Woolen Lover
a (mostly) acoustic set from Winona’s own serial electronicist
Benjamin J Mansavage Klein
solo tuba in the woods
with The Driftless Area Long Tone Society
(long tones on the beach)
and tiny paintings by Paul Karner!
Held on the Latsch Island Beach and nearby environs
(rain site TBA!)
Erik Schoster with LOSST is a member of the River Arts Alliance. To learn more about the benefits of membership, please visit: riverartsalliance.org/membership/.