Ground Bass: Basses, Bach, and Bassoon!

Photo of five members of the ensemble Ground Bass.

Wednesday | January 18 | 7:30 pm
WSU DuFresne Performing Arts Center Recital Hall | 450 Johnson St.

The WSU Department of Music is thrilled to host a chamber recital given by members of the Lyra Baroque Orchestra, Ground Bass, with guest soloist Joe Jones, bassoon. The program, entitled “Basses, Bach, and Bassoon!” features music from Bach’s cantatas with bassoon obligato, a Buxtehude basses-only extravaganza, and Couperin’s “La Forqueray” for solo harpsichord.

Ground Bass is an ensemble dedicated to exploring the heights and depths of music written for bass instruments.

Julie Elhard, viola da gamba
Eva Lymenstull, viola da gamba and cello
Tulio Rondón, piccolo cello and cello
Sara Thompson, bass
Joseph Jones, bassoon
Jacques Ogg, harpsichord

The recital will be held in the WSU DuFresne Performing Arts Center Recital Hall on Wednesday, January 18 at 7:30 pm. Admission is free to the general public.

This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

Dr. Deanne Mohr, Music Department Co-Chair, is a member of the River Arts Alliance. To learn more about the benefits of membership, please visit:

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