Rochester Area Handbells Perform with Winona Friends

Graphic for Rochester Area Handbells and friends performace.

Saturday | May 13 | 3 pm
Central Lutheran Church | 259 W Wabasha St.

The Rochester Area Handbells are coming to Winona for a free and fun afternoon of music for the whole family at 3 pm Saturday, May 13, 2023, at Central Lutheran Church, 259 W Wabasha St.

The ringers will be assisted by Aaron Lohmeyer, saxophone, Janet Heukeshoven and Heidi Bryant, flute, Hans Heukeshoven, drums, and Central’s Director of Worship, Music, & Arts – Eric Heukeshoven playing jazz organ.

Rochester Area Handbells, formed in 2017, is dedicated to bringing the art of handbell performance out of a church setting and into the greater Rochester community. Directed by Paul Kingsbury, the group performs seasonal, classic, and contemporary works for public and private events. More information is available at

At 2 pm, Central will host an informal info session for all who are interested in how a handbell choir works with an eye towards the creation of a Winona-based community handbell choir.

A freewill offering will be taken to offset the group’s travel expenses.

For more information, please contact A. Eric Heukeshoven at 507-474-7144 or

Janet Heukeshoven, Heidi Bryant, and Eric Heukeshoven are members of the River Arts Alliance. To learn more about the benefits of membership, please visit:

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