Gale Star Festival at Old Main

Photos of Julie Miller and Doug James.

Friday | May 19 | 6:30 pm
Saturday | May 20 | 4-7:30 pm
Old Main Cultural Center | 20869 College Ave. | Galesville, WI

Think of the fun!

Remember what fun everyone had with Julie and Doug when they starred in “The Summer of Love” at the G-E-T-Performing Arts Center last November? Julie had so much fun with the response our high school vocal and band kids gave her that both she and Doug want to come back to help showcase them with a few of the “Gale Stars” who perform at Old Main.

“Gale Star” Festival May 19 & 20 at Galesville’s Old Main

Doug James & Julie Miller from Chicago’s
Sound Tracks of a Generation and Guests

May 19: 6:30 p.m. Outdoor Tent
Show Host, Doug James with Julie Miller, “Tuned Up,”
“Winds from Winona,” “Winona Community Drum Circle”
Adults $10.00 H.S. & Younger $5.00

May 20: 4:00 to 7:30 p.m. Outdoor Tent
with Julie Miller and Doug James
4 :00 p.m. G-E-T Vocal Point, Out of the Blue & Jazz band
5:00 p.m. Julie Miller
6:00 p.m. Garden of Eatin’ Family Band
Show Hosts: Doug James and Billy Hembd

FOOD FOR SALE: Ice Cream & toppings, bars,
Pizza, sandwich and drink

Proceeds will help:
Present “Gale Stars” at Old Main
Propel the Redhawk Advance Guard Marching Band to Hawaii
Preserve Galesville’s iconic Arnold Farmhouse

Photos: Julie Miller and Doug James.

Old Main Cultural Center is a member of the River Arts Alliance. To learn more about the benefits of membership, please visit:

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