Central Lutheran Arts Programming Begins with Flute & Organ Duo

Central Lutheran Church 259 W Wabasha St., Winona, MN, United States

Central Lutheran Church | 259 W Wabasha St. sites.google.com/centrallutheranchurch.org/hendrickson-30th Flauto Dolce – Stacie Lightner, organ and Donna Hryniewicki, flute – will present a concert of music by Emma Lou Diemer,…

WSU Piano Recital Featuring Deanne Mohr

WSU DuFresne Performing Arts Center Recital Hall 450 Johnson St., Winona, MN, United States

Free Admission WSU DuFresne Performing Arts Center Recital Hall | 450 Johnson St Winona State University faculty member Deanne Mohr will be performing a piano recital in the DuFresne Performing…

Café Congo presents “From America to Japan” Concert

First Congregational Church 161 W Broadway St., Winona, MN, United States

First Congregational Church | 161 W Broadway St. River Arts Alliance members Heidi Bryant (flute) and Frank Bures (clarinet) will be featured performers in a special concert benefiting the Winona…

Makerspace Community Meeting

Engage Winona 119 E 3rd St., Winona, MN

Engage Winona | 119 E 3rd Street Free to the Public https://www.facebook.com/events/634076316023014 Calling all makers and artists! Come hear about the progress towards creating a nonprofit makerspace in Winona. It’s an…

MCA and Cotter Schools Host Jazz Festival

HBP Theater at St. Cecilia Hall 1124 W Wabasha St, Winona, MN, United States

HBP Theater at St. Cecilia Hall | 1124 W Wabasha St www.cotterschools.org/jazz-festival Experience an unforgettable weekend of jazz presented by the Minnesota Conservatory for the Arts (MCA) at Cotter Schools.…


Commonweal Theatre Presents The Half-Life of Marie Curie

Commonweal Theatre 208 Parkway Ave. N, Lanesboro, MN, United States

Commonweal Theatre Company | 208 Parkway Ave N, Lanesboro, MN commonwealtheatre.org   Don’t miss this wonderful production of The Half-Life of Marie Curie, directed by Jaclyn June Johnson and featuring…


Commonweal Theatre Presents The Half-Life of Marie Curie

Commonweal Theatre 208 Parkway Ave. N, Lanesboro, MN, United States

Commonweal Theatre Company | 208 Parkway Ave N, Lanesboro, MN commonwealtheatre.org   Don’t miss this wonderful production of The Half-Life of Marie Curie, directed by Jaclyn June Johnson and featuring…