River Arts Alliance Member Events
Members: Click here to submit your news/events for the calendar and other RAA communications.
Minnesota Marine Art Museum 800 Riverview Dr., Winona, MN, United StatesThe artsXchange program will return on the 3rd Thursday of the month from July 2023 through April 2024. (Except for December, when it will take place on the 2nd Thursday.)…
Chill with Will – The Winter’s Tale
WSU DuFresne Performing Arts Center 450 Johnson St., Winona, MN, United StatesWSU DuFresne Performing Arts Center | 450 Johnson St. grsf.org/workshop Students age 11-18 can enroll in a FREE workshop prior to each Friday afternoon Great River Shakespeare Festival performance. The…
Opening Reception – Retrieval, a Journey through Art – Paintings by Julia Crozier
Blue Heron Coffeehouse 162 W 2nd St, Winona, MN, United StatesBlue Heron Coffeehouse | 162 W 2nd St. blueheroncoffeehouse.com Two years of creating art have come together for a new exhibit called “Retrieval,” by Julia Crozier. The drawings and paintings…
Book Launch – “REAP, a flora” by Mara Adamitz Scrupe
Minnesota Marine Art Museum 800 Riverview Dr., Winona, MN, United StatesMinnesota Marine Art Museum | 800 Riverview Dr. shipwrecktbooks.press mmam.org A book launch of “REAP, a flora” by Mara Adamitz Scrupe, published by Shipwreckt Books Publishing Company of Winona, will…
Winona Municipal Band Concert
Lake Park Bandshell Lake Park Dr., Winona, MN, United StatesLake Park Bandshell | Lake Park Dr. winonamunicipalband.org The 2023 Winona Municipal Band season runs from June 14th through August 16th. Concerts are held on Wednesdays from 8:00-9:00pm at Winona’s…
Sandbar Storytelling Festival’s ‘Business and Immigrant Stories of Winona’ – Thern, Inc.
Winona County History Center 160 Johnson St, Winona, MN, United StatesWinona County History Center | 160 Johnson St. sandbarstorytellingfestival.org Sharing the stories that have shaped Winona, the Sandbar Storytelling Festival, in partnership with the Winona County History Center, is continuing…
Chill with Will – As You Like It
WSU DuFresne Performing Arts Center 450 Johnson St., Winona, MN, United StatesWSU DuFresne Performing Arts Center | 450 Johnson St. grsf.org/workshop Students age 11-18 can enroll in a FREE workshop prior to each Friday afternoon Great River Shakespeare Festival performance. The…
Rock the Block Kickoff Party with H3O Jazz Trio
Peter's Biergarten 54 E 3rd St., Winona, MN, United StatesPeter’s Biergarten | 54 E 3rd St. H3OJazz.com The Habitat Interfaith Committee is bringing Rock the Block back to Winona! Join us as we kick off this important event on…
Winona Dixieland Jazz Festival
The Crossings Center 170 S Fremont St., Lewiston, MN, United StatesThe Crossings Center | 170 S Fremont St. | Lewiston winonadixieland.webs.com Come hear the Winona Dixieland Jazz Festival this Saturday at the Crossings Center, 170 S Fremont St. in Lewiston, MN from…
Laureate Writers Series Presents Minnesota Poet Laureate Gwen Westerman
Blue Heron Coffeehouse 162 W 2nd St, Winona, MN, United StatesBlue Heron Coffeehouse | 162 W 2nd St. Minnesota’s Poet Laureate Gwen Westerman will read from her work at the Blue Heron Coffeehouse on Tuesday, August 1st at 7 pm. Gwen Westerman…