River Arts Alliance Member Events
Members: Click here to submit your news/events for the calendar and other RAA communications.
Water Music: Chamber Concerts at the MMAM, “Barber’s Adagio for Strings”
Minnesota Marine Art Museum 800 Riverview Dr., Winona, MN, United StatesMinnesota Marine Art Museum | 800 Riverview Dr. winonasymphony.org The Winona Symphony Orchestra and the Minnesota Marine Art Museum are excited to present the first concert in the 2024-2025 Water…
24th Annual Winona Art Walk & Tour
The 2024 Winona Art Walk & Tour will take place on Friday and Saturday, November 22 and 23, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm each day. Artists will be participating at various…
24th Annual Winona Art Walk & Tour
The 2024 Winona Art Walk & Tour will take place on Friday and Saturday, November 22 and 23, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm each day. Artists will be participating at various…
Janice Kirk Featured on Rendezvous with a Writer Radio Program
Online Here An interview with River Arts Alliance member Janice E. Kirk will be featured on an upcoming episode of Rendezvous with a Writer, a program from LA Talk Radio. Janice…
Opening Reception – Dwelling: Collaborative Exhibit at WAC
Winona Arts Center 228 E 5th St., Winona, MN, United StatesWinona Arts Center | 228 E 5th St. winonaarts.org The Winona Arts Center is excited to host our collaborative exhibit entitled Dwelling, opening on Sunday, December 1 from 1:00-4:00 pm. The exhibit…
Laureate Writers Series Features Book Launch of Naomi Cohn’s Memoir
Blue Heron Coffeehouse 162 W 2nd St, Winona, MN, United StatesBlue Heron Coffeehouse | 162 W 2nd St. On Tuesday, December 3rd the Laureate Writers Series will feature a Book Launch of poet, memoirist, and teacher Naomi Cohn’s new memoir The Braille…
Dry Point Etching Workshop at WAC
Winona Arts Center 228 E 5th St., Winona, MN, United StatesWinona Arts Center | 228 E 5th St. winonaarts.org The Winona Arts Center is thrilled to have Preston Lawing teach a 3-day workshop on Dry Point Etching. The classes will…
Water Music: Chamber Concerts at the MMAM – Classical Christmas
Minnesota Marine Art Museum 800 Riverview Dr., Winona, MN, United StatesMinnesota Marine Art Museum | 800 Riverview Dr. winonasymphony.org Join the Winona Symphony Orchestra at the Minnesota Marine Art Museum for a joyous and festive holiday concert on Thursday, December…
RAA’s 2nd Annual Souper-Duper Pie Walk: A Celebration & Fundraiser Event
Sobieski Park Lodge 965 E 7th St., Winona, MN, United StatesSobieski Park Lodge | 965 E 7th St. Register Here River Arts Alliance’s special celebration and fundraiser event, our Souper-Duper Pie Walk, is returning for a second year! This fun…
A Holiday Celebration of the Arts
Page Theatre 700 Terrace Heights, Winona, MN, United StatesPage Theatre | 700 Terrace Heights cotterschools.org/mca This year’s Minnesota Conservatory for the Arts holiday show is a festive celebration of dance, music, and theatre, featuring the talents of local…